Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 49: Animate key and mouse tail using channel editor

Open mouse_anistart.hip. to animate the key select the key and use transform node in the properties change the rotation sequence to Ry,Rx,Rz
then in Rx use expression $F*5 where they key able to rotate for th ewhohe timeline sequence that is 240 frames.

next task is to create use the bones to animate the tail so we create a 24 frames animation of one cycle. wher ekey can rotate from left to right and back.

this cycle need to change the value a bit so on frame 12, Change the parameter values of four bones by offset them a bit.
last part is to repeat the cycle for whole length. this one id done by using the channel editor, where we able to move the mouse left and right scene for the whole 240 frames of the animation the loop we use the expression  repeat(start frame,end frame)

Test the animation using the scene viewer.

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