Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 42: Digital asset work flow for rigging

I went throght the basic rigging toutorial, todays tutorial is based on how to create digital assets for rigging..
so we has an old man head with different expressions.

first we open the basic head and in the network view we add a blendshape node
in between the node we add sculpt node, followed by null node to modify the face.. look like puff

later add two file import the differne texpression geometry like sad and angery face. all connect to the blend shape.

Last part is to create digital asset.. so select the node in the sceene and click on convert to a subnet. later seelct the subnet and RMB+clikc to create a digital asset. then put the path as embeded.. add the nodes of puff, sad and angry face from the parameter properties to existing parameter properties.. change the range from 0 to 1 then click accept to add it.
use the propertie smenu to test it.

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