Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 38: Modellign concept in Houdini

Hi today, I went trought the tutorial of SOPs- Surface operator
which plays importent part of modelling in Houdini.
basic concept flow covers few modeeling SOPs like

Geometry or model eg: BOX
  • Box
  • Poly Extrude
  • PolySplit
  • Clips
  • Blast
  • Poly Bevel
  • Edit
  • Mirror
  • Fuse
  • Edit Cusp
First take a box, convert to polygonal mesh

select the polygone, use polyExtrude SOP to extrude it.
Then use polySplit to split the object

Use clips to separate and blast to delete
Select the edge of the half object and use polybevel to bevel the object
Use point seelction to select the points and edit node to edit it (move or scale)
then select the half primitive and use mirror node to mirror on the z -axis.

Use fuse to fuse the any extra points
PolyCurp helps to reduce the poly smoothness.

Finally merge with tube object to see the filnal result.

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