Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 40: parent blending in Houdini

Parent blending good tutorial of Houdini, who need to learn the the power of rigging.

it start with an animation of left and tight hand and a box the two hands are animating to the side and the box is in the center

when we parent left box only leftside hand connect to box and animate when we connect tothe right side only right side box connect to animate.

to connect both hand one after another we need to use parent blend node by selecting left hand first followed by the right hand.
when the blen appers connec tthe box to blend. notice box does not move either side due to equal amount of force.

To move box, select the blend parent,  at keyframe 0, set weight 1 as 1 and weight 2 as 0, at frame 50 set the similer key wright keyframes.
 at keyframe 51, set weight 1 as 0 and weight 2 as 1, at frame 100 set the similer key wright keyframes. rewind and play the animation.

Now the weight are moving as it suppose to be.

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