Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 43: Carating an CHARACHTER RIG 1

Today, I stareted working on an character rig tutorial for a model called "zombi".
so first open the model and select shelf>"Charachter placer" for an charachter to stand in a circle, Then autorig> "Biped Spines" to generate the spine.
then select the color bone and from autorig menue select "biped arm" and "biped hand"
then add the "biped head" from neck bone.
lastly from the pelvic bone select the leg create "biped leg"

now select all the bones in the network view and select "biped auto rig" to convert  the rig to an animation rig. this rig help us to see all the connection of the body and connect the bones to each other.

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