Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 33: Procedural modelling part2 and part 3

I contined the peter's briedge tutorial starting from part one...
so i open the file and start creating an edge to the tier.. Use circle as a basic shape then modify other nodes like copy, skin then give  acap finally convert it to polygone.

Use a copy soft to connect "tier edge and switch out put finally connect the tier thickness with the tier extrude by using the merge node.. so it create a tiere with edge.

I continue working on the single layer of tier as an original file.
I create a tier height and tier point node. assign them some value and connect them together by using the switch.

finally connect  the merge and multiple tier switch together in the copy SOP network. connect ht eswitch in the mastercontroler by addine new controls like tier numbers and and height.

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