Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 47: Modelling a mouse toy

Modelling a mouse toy has 4 differnt parts of the body.
Main body, Nose, Ear and key

I started with modelling the main body of the mouse. Take a basic sphere shape then modify the sphere in she shape of mose as shown in the picture above.
the body is more tapering towerds the start of the more rounded towers the back of the body.
At the more rounded side of the mouse body seelct the center polygone and use poly extrude to scale it down. also use another poly extrude to extrude the polygone to convert it in to a tail. see th emouse pic below.

As the base body is ready, next part is to create a ear for mouse using NURBS.
create a simple NURBS curve using 6 poinnts duplicate the curve using peak node. merge the both curve and add skin node to create the surface and cap node to close the inbetween gap.
then use transform node to move to the front of the mouse body and scale and rotate to aline in the front of the mouse. onece aline the ear use the mirror node to mirror ear to the next side of the mosue body. 

next thing is to create the mouse nose and aline it to the front of the mosue
Us esphere node to create the nose and applied transform nod eto aline it to the front of the mouse.

next one is to create a key to the mouse toy. so it starts with the basic node box. change the box to polygonal mesh to do edit it.
change the axis division to 2,4,2 so that we able to ge tthe vertical key height.
use poly extrude to extude the polygone to get the key head.
Create another box and keep in the center of the Key head. then use cookies node to substract A minus B so we able to see the key with a hole in between.
then add divide node to clean out the extra poits or polygone so it look more neat.

At the end of all the individual objects, press tab and add "null" node and rename it "mouse_body","mouse_ear","mouse_nose","mouse_key" and merge them all to merge node. lastly aline the key to the back end of the mouse as shown in the image and use subdivide node to smooth the whole mouse object.

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