Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 46: Modelling a cheese

Start with a basic tube, change to polygone and reduce the colomns to three and add on the caps to create the basic cheese shape.

later add fuse node to merge the extra points, and divide node, cleanup polygons: fix concave polygons, divide N-side polygons into triangles.
so it creates the smooth nice cheese shape
also we can add an "transform node to move the cheese up above the grid line.

To make holes in the cheese we use metaball node. use scatter node to convert the cheese geometry in to poits format then use copy SOP to merge the two nodes  so  we able to see the metaballs in the cheese shape.

Actual cheese has holes in to the shape, so to make the shape reverse we use cookies node and minus the metaball from the cheese geometry to look like a cheese has holes in side.

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