Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 43: Carating an CHARACHTER RIG 2

I continue working on the "animation rig" model animation rig is the model where all bones are connected to main bone using the IK/FK linking.. now it's time to create an "deform rig"
this is the last part where people convert the animation rig in to deform rig.
to convert the animation rig in to deform rig we need to select the auotmated rig and use capture proximity icon in the network view to connect all the bones to the external body.

this help "game artist" to modify and adjust the weight of the musles to attach to the bones.
we able to use the paint tool to create and modify the the weight of the musles.. lasty convert the nodes in to deform nodes to all bones are link to the msles of the body.

Test all the movement and animation of the different part of the human body.

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