Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 44: Digital Interactive Gamming, London, Ontario, Canada- Day 01

Early morning @ 6 AM, Kim and I started to head to the London, Ontario.

It was a bit chill morning temperature was around 5C but bit windy.
On the way as we reached “Brampton”,  Kim informed me “ this area has more as a farms, they grow corns, grains and vegetable” but now the trees have no leaves all look like dead trees. May be prepared for winter.

Around 8:15 AM, we reached to the “London convention Centre”, Bill and Rob from Sidefx office already there to welcome us and help us to move the materials from car to Houdini booth.

 We done the registration and I got the new DIG tag for the two days event. The event was split in to the two halls; One hall is called “Fan show Game expo” where all the games from different platform are showcased for visitor to use.
Other hall is for conference, where the DIG conference event was held according to the schedule.

8.45 AM:  Event Opening.
The opening address delivered by Mr. Peter White from London Ecommic Development Council. He emphasise the importance of London as a main hub for gamming in Ontario and in Canada.

9:00 AM : Cloud Computing
The secession presented by “Denis Dyack” from Silicon Knights.
He present some of his research and predict about the feature of the Game Industry after 10 years. According to his studies, the game Technology will based on anywhere, any device, anytime and disk less it called cloud. Like today’s email app. We read emails from servers, so feature devices will be disk less and people will play games in less prices some time free.  They will collect some kind of credits at the end of each sessions and this can convert to allow them to play new games or advance levels etc. Denis also predict that the new copyright rules and laws need to be evolved.
During the QA session people asked about the validity of his prediction, In the reply “Denis Dyack” said it based on his research on Game industry in past and technology evaluation of the feature”

10.15 AM: Surprise Your Production Pipe!
The secession presented by “Paul Martin” Director of Technology from Slant Six Production from Vancouver B.C.
Paul started with the brief history of Game evaluation production and then he covers the topic about “Technical details in Game development pipeline” He covered topics such as
Infrastructure:  for a good Game design company need a good Infrastructure in all skill levels like Art and programming track  
Game asset creation: Every one must clear about the task to do and the file format to save. The asset management can be done in central location and accessible to all

Game run time: if user hit delete key the action should take place in 30 sec. If user done some change the action should take place less than 5 sec. He also emphasizes the Importance of Game testing like test the game and tests the memory uses of the game.
He also recommend the way to do this at the start when you load the game ask user to save the game first.  This process will allow computer to load only required processes and stop loading the unwanted processes.
Organising Assets: By Metadeta- assets in XML By Directories: Images and rest format can be saved in directories.
Game Packages: few formats to save the data Zip/ RAR, PSN package, XBL package
Game sharing: Done on the shared game server mainly (P4 Proxy) package drop, FTP and HDD cover 

11:15 AM: Studio Owners Panel
Chaired by 3 SME game studios owner. two from Ontario and one studio from BC. And  topics discussed
Game Market in Ontario and Canada: Games are not new to Canada, earlier there are some game studios in North America are now moved to Canada like Ubisoft, EA etc. but now there are many small independent studios are coming up in Ontario. The structure of the company is very importent need to have some core people and rest skill people will be on contract basis.

Funding resources for Game companies: main thing is how game company owner use his or her assets, By putting the proposal you able to get the tax credit from the ministry but the money you will receive only after 16 Months so the company need to have it’s own backup for sustain with the overheads. Need to concentrate on creating it’s own IP more than pitch for the game publisher as publisher will take time to approve the request. Mean while IP generation will help company to sustain.
Future game platforms: Mobile, online and free to play.
Employment in the game company:  For art track- a good portfolio is must. For programmers- create a game play and some small game concepts programmed by them to show the skills.

12:30 PM to 1:30 PM: Lunch break

1:30 PM: Export Development Canada- case study by Rob Caouette
Rob present What is EDC and how EDc will help the new SME's to improve their present business world wide.

3:00 PM The New Social Gaming Paradigm Panel
Moderator : Fredrik Liliegren, Antic Entertainment
Greg Thomson: Tall Tree Games
Joey DeVilla- Microsoft
Bryce Hunter – Big Blue Bubble
Rob Balahura – Electronic Art
Francis Pelland – Social Gaming Universe
Topic discussed about current social gaming scenario like using Face book games, using Microsoft 7 games or iphone games..
What are the plus points and how people become addict to it.. but most  of the members suggest this social gaming is a short term success. After a while it become routine and player look for new games with more features etc.

6:00 PM DIG dinner and keynote presentation.
Welcome by : peter white – London Economic Development Corporation
Emcee- Mike Schmazlz – VP of Digital Extremes
Key note speaker: “Fail to success” by Jason Della Rocca – Premier Partners.
Jason emphasis on “why failure is important in success “ of the game. He given some of the examples of different successful game companies around the world, most of them fails in their early years. He said fails mean you are expanding your limits.. You learn from the mistakes.. and grow. If now you will be stagnant.. and difficult to grow.

9:30 Reception end then we check in to the hotel next to LCC

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