Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 45: Digital Interactive Gamming, London, Ontario, Canada- Day 02

After the first heavy day.. day two start with a great enthusiasm as morning the first presentation is allocated to Sidefx software Toronto.

9:00 AM : Going Procedural A better way to make better games by Dr. Paul Salvini, Sidefx Software
Dr. Paul started his presentation by giving his personal experience he presented a week back in the APEC SME Summit in Japan. He said "In the developing Canadian economy SME's in Games Industry are playing an impotent role in creating the jobs as well as leading the  local game market.

Further he describe the importance of procedural in game development. Rob has shown a quick demo of how to create a simple object break in to the pieces by using houdini's fracture and rigid bodies dynamics.

Dr. Paul further enhance Houdini Software as a 3D animation and high end VFX fool is adopted by top companies in the world and also by leading game design companies. Houdini has a collaborative work flow which suites in game production. Capital and efforts nee dto be combine in this part of the region. London has a good synergy in studios and LEDC wants this place as a local hub for game companies so use proper tool to ride the wave of success.

10:00 AM: Nailing the Sale in the Tough Market
Moderator : Sean Murch , Next level Games
Julian Spillane, Frozen North Productions
Tonya Constant, The Ant Firm
Damir Slogar, Big Blue Bubble

This is a more Q&A type of session where the student's from colleges and other members will ask questions and the panel will answer them.
What is the main purpose of creating a good game: sale games to make some good profit.
From the student perspective when he or she look job in game company what they look for: they should look for work experience, sometime create the portfolio in which they would like to work.
When should student able to start his or her game company?: Need to have confidence and a good team with different skills so able to start the company but make sure you got enough resources to sustain the company for at lest 2-3 years.
finally Moderator conclude by saying let's make London as a best place to make best games.

11:30 AM Economic Trends and Demographics for the Game Industry
Speacker : Jess Divinch EEDAR

Jess Started his presentation showing the Statistic of sale of the games relesed from OCT05 to OCT10.
To sustain in the game industry, Building an brand equity and Strong consumer promise is impotent.
he explain the scenarios using different examples on the matrix of consumer promise vs brand stamina

low consumer promise / low brand stamina: games easy to make need less money and time as no storyline and no story line more structured eg: fruit ninja,Tetris, chess etc.
high consumer promise / low brand stamina: games not easy to make need  money and time as no storyline but more simulation. so they become more popular games but can't sustain for long time eg: Guitar hero, first person shooter games.
low consumer promise / high brand stamina: games not easy to make need  money and time as they have storyline but less simulation. These games are ever green but not many people buy. eg: transformers, maple leaf sports games.
high consumer promise / high brand stamina: games need more money and time as they have simulation and storyline. Games are more popular so make good sales. . eg: counter strike, games on celebrities etc.

Finally he conclude as "Understand your target market by understanding the target audience and consumer promise. Once the promise is establish it's difficult to change so if fails..move on."

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM lunch Break

 Anna from San Six Games Vancouver BC

 Operation Manager from Digital Extremes

1:00 PM: Ontario Media Development Council case study speaker : kim gibson

 Kim given a broad over view about the  ODMC, it's a sponcer for 33 project in 5 different categories. One of the project was "Antic Entertainmnet" which is a game development company.
the founder Fredrik Liliegren has given a brief overview about how he approch the OMDC and what are the main points to note.
He suggested he was the first few members to apply whenever they open the application, His company is 3 years old and well extablish got few IP's, lastly his company product's has some commercial purpose value.

During the Q& A session student ask
What are the main things to consider if you pitch for game publisher?
1.Who we are targeting
2.What type of game publisher
3.Lead a question to put on co-operation.

How to improve the contact circle
Be where the game people are always to build the network slowly.
Join the Game connection

What type of game portfolio must develop.
Build the x box indie game even student able to develop the character and sale it.
must have passion for games and able to communicate well in team.

3:00 PM  After the tea break we check out the hotel and left on way to Toronto another three hours drive back to Toronto.
On the way Kim was discuss with me related to his experience with DIG London.
It was a fruitful experience for me I learned a lot new information and knowledge which I able to share with my student's in Singapore.

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