Friday, October 1, 2010

Day12: Working with RBD objects of the Pillar, Use of DOP network

Morning I continue with the previous day tutorial, Today I continue the tutorial "smash the column with dynamics"
This tutorial explain what is Dynamic Network, Render the shot, render the flipbook.
In Houdini "AutoDOPNetwork" is beatuiful part, it's a dynamic network get build. This is where objects, forces and constrains are setup and network defines how they interact.

When create a flipbook or rendereran image or an image sequence, Houdini use it's image viewver called MPlay. Thos viewer let you view different channels, compare shots and tinker with brightness and contrast as you playback your sequence.
The viewer also incorporate sound and open and save images out in different image formats such as OpenEXR, TIFF,JPG or quicktime.

Untill evening, I completed all the above process. Tha last part of the process was to add material, light's and camera. I will continue it on Monday.

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