Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 18: Fluid Force-Object Feedback

Today the temparature hit 8C very cold outside...

I was about to complete the last part of the fluid tutorial. "Fluid Force-Object Feedback"

In this tutorial we had add a static object and used a fluid force to stimulate the object to feedback (move it)

We had used the same structure from the previous tutorial and made some changes by adding a rigid body object (Utah Teapot). It followed by rbdsolver and fluidforce. we also add new nodes like "Pump", "Rbdsolver", "merge" and "ground plane". and connect nodes as shown in fig. below.

In last part of the tutorial, we change Density properties of "RBD object" to reduce mass and "scale force vector" reduce it to minimum.. rewind and play the simulation.

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