Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 25: creating ripples from rain drop

Today I was about to complete the Volume fluid tutorial
Last part was on creating a ripple from stumlating a raindrop.

So created a grid object and use a popnet to to create apoints from the grid, use suface random properties of the popnet to generate random number of points from the surface.

to fall the points to the ground use the gravity force. to convert particles to look like rain drom use copy SOP to merge the popnet and metaballs.

at the end use "bulge" node to create a dip in the grid as metaballs touches the grid.
then create  a DOP network where add "ripple object" and "ripple solver" to create effects.
The inst is taken from grid and the geometry taken from " objects.

Thsi was a good exercise of procedural modelling.

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