Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 21: Houdini 11 for Trainers Day2

Today some students from universities did not came fro the session as they unable to cope with yesterday's lesson. Session is for trainers so "Debra" and "Lesely" told you need to have basic understanding of Houdini work flow else. difficult to cope.

5. Morning session conducted by "Leselly" he covered Particle FX with POPs(Particle operators) Exploring houdini concepts such as instancing geometry in to particles.

6. After tea break covered topics like rendering the particles FX in scene. and getting acquainted with DOPs (Dynamic Operators)

After the lunch "Jenny" from SideFX Toronto office informed people about the instance programme . "Debra" covered topics on

7. Exploring the various forces in DOPs and how their work flow. using the DOPS in the scene and breaking it up.

8. After the ea break was an Q & A session followed by discussion on Houdini in Academic Community : Learning and teaching Houdini in Toronto.
From left (Me), Damian, Lana, Lazley (LA office) , Debra (LA office) and Alisha (LA office)

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