Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 19: Creating a fluid flow in the glass

Today was a rainy morning...while on the way to office the rain started.. so quickly buy a coffee from Starbucks and went to office.

I started working on the Digital Tutors "Constant fluid flow tutorial", This tutorial start with a glass. so I used a geometry node to create a curve surface and followed by "revolve" node to make it a glass model.

I went to scenelevel then from Volume Fx shelf added a emitter from source tab twice.
This created a source of the emitter in the scene window.

I had adjusted the alignment of the source such way it will fall in the cup. I rewind and play the scene.
in the AutoDOPNetwork, finally I add file and save it to the local hard drive so I able to rewind and play the simulation real time.

I also animate the emitter source in the birth tab of emitter at frame 60 so the emitter stops after frame 30.
This was  a good learning experience. as i realize some time the simulation once it saves in the disk it does not update real time.. need to render it again.

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