Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2: New world of learning begins here..

I arrived sidefx.. office at 9 am sharp, I was greeted by Mr. Nick (intern from Amersterdam). He bring me along to gie the overview of whole office and introduce me to differnt people in the office. Side Effects office located in the toronto downtown in the main business district of the 123 front street.

After the introduction, I was assigned a dedicated linex workstation, I was mentoured by two intern Nick(I introduced him before) and Shawn (intern from US). I was told to go through the some online tutorials to understand the Hoaudini concepts...

I stared to conceptulize the work flow of the Hodini software from the tutorial step by step. after a while Mr. Kim came greet me and he help me to clear the concept of "procedural modelling" faster by given some examples... Iwas told I was thinking a bit traditional way... I need to think out of box...let computer do the rutine work like creating objects, animation.. we have to think on the possibilities of connecting the differnt objects by changing their properties, values, etc to do the requird task..
Afternoon I got an chance to see the demo of some new fluid effects presented by Mr. Jeff.
althoght it was too High Technical stuff to absorb... I like the fluid effects he do in min.. it was a good learing for me "to create a online learing material".

I go through with Nick a Houdini procedural tutorial.. of creating the multiple objects and animationg using the popnetwork.. it's a really amazing to learn new concepts... My challenge is, I need to let go my traditional way of concepts of the 3D modeeling and aquire new knowledge of "procedural"... :0)

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