Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 61: Creating a ram and use IPR for cartoon

To start with open a 3D charachter IPR_start.hip

If we do a quick render the ramp color it look like hollow shading. now click on the render view to use the IPR render. Open the material pallete first create a skin color In opecity check remove the "check opacity tag and in base colour create a skin color as shown in the imadebelow so it gives two tones as in cartoon. to apply the color just drag and drop the color on the model body.

To create the dress color, seelct another simple ramp and drag in the render view to apply the color to the dress.
we able to modify the color by adjusting the base color int the properties.

To compare the old and new color we took a snapshot and use the compare node at the botton in the render view. finallyto add the hair color add another ramp. change the hair color shading to "blond" colorscheme as shown below.

see the model color render from all angle and save the final image file.

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