Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 4: Creating a simple particle emitter

Today I decided to start with a tutorial " Creating Simple particle emitter " using Houdini.

Morning..I explore the houdini popnetwork nodes.. I went through the tutorials from CMIFX..
It's actually a paid online tutor but for Houdini Interns has account. So able to go through the tutorials of different parameters of location, birth and attributes tab.

Today I had lunch in an Lebanese restaurant dish called "Shohorma" it's like a bread mix with chicken and vegetables... I believe it's an Mediterranean food.

After the lunch, I able to explore the "create particles using geometry"
The tutorial was very technical, consist of few concepts like SOP network and  initial stage.
Till evening I am able to complete the tutorial. Particle concept, I put in to power point step by step for our students..

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