Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 10: RBD coin fall & breaking wall

Morning I continue with the digital tutor exercise. Falling of the coins...

I created a "pot" using the curve and revolve function then use torus to create "coin".
Use Houdini's procedural concept "copy node" used to duplicate and spred the coins.
then I used rbd object to fall coins in to the pot.. I convert pot in to the static object...
So the coins will not go through the pot.

Morning Mr. Kim came to see me. I asked him about his UK tour? He told me UK has a great movementum in the houdini users.. he explained some of the the fantasies created using houdini and showcase duing his visit to UK

Afternoon, Mr. Richard VP of Sales & Marketing bring me for lunch to a TimSum restaurant in China town. It was a great experience for me to visit local food in Toronto.

Afternoon I worked on RBD object to crate a wall (I used box and grid to merge to create a wall.
then I RBD glued it and add a sphere to add as a static object... the sphere hit the wall with velocity and it breaks the bricks of the wall....This was a very good animation...

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