Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 50: Animate mouse and render the sequence.

Houdini has a good procedural animation tecnique which able to multiply and animate the mouse.

Create a simple encloser using the box and extreude it also create a grid as a base. from the base grid, add  and null as a emitter of particles.
Number of particles emits at frame One is 25 and frame Two is 0, we control the numbers using the animation key frames.

later use the instance and attached the mouse to the particle. so mouse follow the particle path. some of the mouse are colliding each other so add the collision node, and incrise the collision tolerance to 0.5. so before they collide they move away. then also add interact nod eso it affect the individual interaction with the mouse. lastly add the speed limit node to control /reduce the speed of the mose running around.

lastly, add lights and camera in to animation to add some realastic effects of material and lights.This exercise is very good if people would like to explere the procedural work flow of houdini.


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