Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 59: COPS Introduction

COPS stands for compositing operaters. Houdini has in built compositing which allow people to do many effects.

To use the COPS, In network view switch to IMG plane : compositing network
Default it has an comp1 node. so double click the node. to go in to compositing. Next press tab and add the "file" node to import pic. default it has a butterfly pic. we use this pic to do compositing. At the out add the color correction node.> change operation mask to : mask input :Cr. then add channel copy node, target c: input 1A

we add ramp change to verticle, connect the ramp1 and channelcopy1 node to multiply node as shwon in the image above so we get a gogod mixture of both in the alpha channel.  multiply node is followed by contrast node to adjust the constrast. then it merge to color correction node as shown in the image

finally we merge the two nodes in to rop_cop to oputput as a image file.

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